It’s might be rainy and gloomy November outside but there’s no reason to be sad! Holidays are approaching we are about to have biggest sale of the year! All assembled clocks and kits prices will be slashed until we sell all the inventory! Amount of clocks is very limited so keep checking here and on just like our Facebook page to be immediately notified when sale starts (hint: it will happen very soon 🙂 )
In other news, I posted link to modified RFM12b library that works with Xronos 2.1 boards. It’s library written by Felix from LowPowerLabs and only thing that has been modified is RFM12B.h file with correct pin definitions:
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
#define RFM_IRQ 10 //10 for Xronos 2.1
#define SS_DDR DDRC
#define SS_BIT 2
#define SPI_SS 2
#define SPI_MOSI 5
#define SPI_MISO 6
#define SPI_SCK 7
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