Wireless receiver module and IR Remote are now in stock!
This is great time to upgrade your Xronos clock as we added RF kit as well as limit number of Infrared Remote kits to our online store! Also all bare PCBs are now discounted at $3 a piece!
This is great time to upgrade your Xronos clock as we added RF kit as well as limit number of Infrared Remote kits to our online store! Also all bare PCBs are now discounted at $3 a piece!
It's might be rainy and gloomy November outside but there's no reason to be sad! Holidays are approaching we are about to have biggest sale of the year! All assembled clocks and kits prices will be slashed until we sell all the inventory! Amount of clocks is very limited so keep checking here and on just like our Facebook page to be immediately notified when sale starts (hint: it will happen very soon :) ) In other news, I posted link to modified RFM12b library that works with Xronos 2.1 boards. It's library written by Felix from LowPowerLabs and only thing that has been modified is RFM12B.h file with correct pin definitions: #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) #define RFM_IRQ 10 //10 for Xronos 2.1 #define SS_DDR DDRC #define SS_PORT PORTC #define SS_BIT 2 #define SPI_SS 2 #define SPI_MOSI 5 #define SPI_MISO 6 #define SPI_SCK 7
I finally had a chance to add something I've been meaning to for a while. Daylight Savings Time adjustment option. Now this new feature has separate submenu item in the Set Time/Date menu which allows you to either add 1 hour or subtract. In USA Daylight Savings Time officially ends this Sunday, November 2nd. This means clock will need to be set -1 hour. This is not an automatic DST adjustment. That's something that I might add in the future if I overcome issues associated with it (i.e. some countries that use different rules for time adjustment, and memory capacity). You can download latest firmware and source code as usually from Technical Data page.
I have some big news today! First of all we finally opened our own Web Store! But it's not just for Xronos clocks. We now carry PCBs used in Xronos 2.1 so you can make your own clocks or other gadgets (clocks, display boards, toys, etc.). We also have some electronic components and plan to have more on a way. Electronics only (no display or enclosure) kit of Xronos 2.1 will be available soon! Second news of the day is that Xronos Clock has been accepted to participate at this years New York Maker's fair September 20 & 21, 2014! So look for our table at the fair to play with Xronos Clocks and other gadgets we might bring. Related to second news, I've been working on alternative version of Xronos Clock called Xronos Mini. It's a scaled down version of alarm clock, with smaller display no audio and overall smaller size. At reduced price of course. It's main goal is to be a desk or wall clock. While it can't talk, it still has microSD card slot and compatible with RF transceiver. And it will have a better accuracy Real Time Clock chip. It's still in development mode and far from production, but I hope to have displayed at Maker's fair. And since so many people requested it, we going to make a very limited number of Xronos Mega clocks available for sale later this year. Finally, I wanted to mention that I've been struggling with LED matrix displays for Xronos clocks due to inconsistencies from manufacturer Sure Electronics. Latest batch of displays received had slight different dimensions, forcing slight redesign of the enclosures. I'm going to give a try of making my own [...]
Latest Firmware and source code is now available for download! We've fixed some bugs and made small improvements, here's a list of changes: Small time display showed time in 24 hour mode regardless of global settings. This is now fixed. Changed color of the Alarm indicator. RED now indicates that alarm set for current day and Orange that alarm is in snooze mode. This should increase lifespan of LEDs that display alarm and even decrease clock's power consumption (a tiny bit). Added debug message that outputs Firmware version via Serial even before SD card initialized. Very helpful during kit assembly.
Thanks to several Xronos Clock users a bug has been identified and will be fixed in the next firmware release (most likely this week). Bug was related to some instances where time is shown in the top half of the display (during infoscreen scrolling, or vocal announcements). That time was always shown in 24 hour mode even when main clock was set to 12 hour mode. Expect few more little changes as well, and stay tuned for new firmware announcement.
Looks like I completely forgot to upload V2.1 Eagle files to the site. It's now available in the Technical Data section.
New manual for V2.1 of Xronos clock has been created! You can download PDF file here.
I've done some code rewriting since last versions and now ready to present to you Version 2.04 rev 4. Whats new in this version: Infrared Sensor support (must be commented out if using clock with ATMega644p which doesn't have enough RAM to run it) Added support for external Humidity/Temperature combination sensor data. This includes new menu items, voice announcements and infoscreen scrolling text. Fixed some bugs, improved overall code organization In addition to new firmware I rewrote deployment batch file to make loading firmware easier but using same batch file for all versions of Microprocessor and variations of Xronos clocks.
I've documented all pins of the main board used inside Xronos clock and organized in easy to read chart.It can be very useful if you plan to hack your Xronos clock or just use standalone board for your projects! You can download schematic here, or view on the Technical Data page. Kudos for inspiration and pin labeling goes to Felix from LowPowerLabs and "PigHixxx"