Prototype of new 32×16 LED display

Just wanted share this. I finished assembly my first prototype of the display for future Xronos 3 clocks :)  It's almost half the size of the one I was using before. Here's a video of display in action. More information on

2019-02-15T11:46:30+00:00August 12th, 2015|AlarmClockUpdates, Design, work in progress|0 Comments

Xronos clock customer mods

Xronos Clock platform is extremely hackable, and not just when it comes to software.  Recently my good customer William P. designed several versions of enclosure modifications. In this one, he added GPS receiver to get precise time from GPS satellite. Here's a version of acrylic case that also uses different buttons. And finally check out this funky bamboo case! William is also a very good programmer, and he helped me fixing some bugs in the firmware and also he's the person responsible for several improvements.   In fact he branched out his own version of Xronos firmware, which you can find here. If any of you made some mods of the clock, drop me a line, I would love to write about it!

2019-02-15T11:46:30+00:00June 23rd, 2015|AlarmClockUpdates, Design|0 Comments

Say hello to Xronos Mega

There’s something that I’ve been working on besides Xronos Alarm Clock for the past 6 months. A little story behind it goes like this. I don’t have any wall clocks, so I had a store bought alarm clock (Emerson?) with very large digits (biggest I could find) to serve as a time piece by the TV. Just about when I was getting Xronos V1.0 to see the light that “TV” clock died. And so I started to outline a wall clock that will be really big, with tons of features, remote control, and huge LED matrix display.  Thus Xronos Mega Clock was born 🙂 In the end I settled on four 24×16 single color LED matrix displays made by Sure Electronics. Originally I wanted to use same display as in Xronos Alarm Clock (32×16 bicolor): 2 on top would give me 64×16 space for clock digits and then on the bottom I wanted to have a single 8 height row for the scrolling messages that would display date, temperature, etc.  Then I realized it’s going to be huge pain in the butt to drive different arrays from ATMega chip, so I settled on four 24×16 displays. […]

2019-02-15T11:46:30+00:00August 4th, 2013|Design, work in progress|1 Comment
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