Temporary sold out!
Wow that was fast. Just as I posted my last updated, someone got last clock off my Etsy store! That's all folks, see you in 2 weeks!
Wow that was fast. Just as I posted my last updated, someone got last clock off my Etsy store! That's all folks, see you in 2 weeks!
I know I said before that I have last clock left before long vacation, however 2 good things happened. First LED displays arrived a lot sooner than expected! And second I though I was out of V1 PCBs, but I found one laying on my desk among the mess :) So I can still make one more clock if you order before this Saturday!
Wow what a week! Since my clock was featured on several gadget sites, I sold out all my current stock of Xronos V1.0. There's just enough parts left to build one last clock, until next batch arrives, so if you really want to get one next week hurry up to my Etsy store! :) Also I'm going for a vacation and will be back around 3rd week in June. Sadly I probably won't have much access to the internet, so I might not be able to answer support questions immediately. So around 3rd week in June is when I'll should get enough parts for second batch of Xronos clocks! These will be based on V 2.0 PCB, but might not have all the functionality of V2 implemented right away (such as RF receiver). Such functionality will require a processor upgrade to ATMega1284p. However if you are handy with soldering you'll be able to upgrade new version of the clock easily (just buy and solder RFM12B transceiver and swap ATMega644p for ATMega1284p). Radio support will be provided as firmware upgrade patch.
I thought something’s odd was happening when I saw page hits in my Etsy shop went thru the roof yesterday. Then I checked sources and discovered that word about Xronos clock is spreading fast on the inter-webs! It seems like story was originally posted on Technobob and then went live on Gizmodo! From there its spreading like wild fire, I found Xronos name mentioned on dozen or so blogs, many of them in Russia and Ukraine too! So what are they all saying? […]
Lot of small updates today. I was finally able to finish writing User Manual. It's work in progress so I will try to keep it updated as soon as possible. On related note I've created "easy" firmware uploaded script. It will upload latest hex image of Xronos clock provided that you have FTDI interface and computer running Windows. It relies on AVRDude utility (which is also available for download on Support page). And finally firmware version 1.05 has been released last night. It contains few improvements and bug fixes such as: Clock is visible (orange) even if clock color color cannot be read from EEProm (fail-safe) Some out of bound arrays fixed. Prevents possible memory leaks Small time display always showed time in 24 hour mode. (fixed)
All Xronos clocks today $200! :) Check my Etsy shop!
I’ve been working on 2.0 version of PCB for a while, and finally I was able to realize my ideas in hardware. 10 brand new PCBs arrived last weekend, after about 10 days since I placed order on iTead. That’s amazing turnaround time, considering that I chose standard shipping from China. I’m going to first describe what’s new in 2.0 version and then if you wish you can read whole story of how I build and got it working 🙂 That and there’s “in action” Video, after the break. […]